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Artist Profiles

David Rhodes


 As a lifelong resident of South Carolina, I’ve spent most of my life admiring and painting the beauty of this great state.


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Jeannie Browning

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South Carolina artist Jeannie Browning enjoys plein air painting in various environments, but always finds trees an exciting subject.


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Deborah Ober


Finding JOY in painting and learning to speak using light, line and color.


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Sue West


Plein Air is celebrating the beauty of the earth.I strive for an impressionistic painting bringing the harmonious arrangement of color and form.


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Linda Bearden​✧

Your creativity is only limited by the rules and ideas of others.


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April McDonald

There is a divine voice that tells us a story and it beckons me to capture its presence on the canvas. It resonates all around us, in nature, in an empty building, and in the lives of people. It's in the fleeting moment of light, in the vibration of the atmosphere, and in the dialouge between colors. I desire to tell it's story!


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Teresa Anderson

The everchanging beauty of our world is astounding! As an artist I try to capture the natural beauty of our world through the fluidity of watercolor.


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Sherry Maugans

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"My work is utterly incomprehensible and is therefore full of deep significance."


- Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes


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Terry Norris

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The act of painting is a dialogue with nature, which I interpret according to an inner mood. The painting becomes a record of that experience, in which I seek out the universal qualities of balance and harmony to be found in nature and communicate to the viewer what is already known on some level but has perhaps been forgotten.


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Andrea Martin


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George Stone

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I am a representational oil painter who focuses primarily on landscape and still life subject matter. I paint extensively from life (plein air) but also work in the studio using plein air studies, sketches and photographic reference. I attempt to convey the beauty and dignity of everyday scenes to the viewer through a clear concept, accurate drawing, expressive values and color and a well-designed composition. I am especially interested in developing a mood in my landscapes by capturing the quality of light present during different times of day, different seasons of the year and different locations.


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Joe Craighead

Joe Craighead is a landscape painter in oil much of which is plein air. Joe has relocated to Upstate SC from Southern California and loves exploring new painting locations such as the Blue Ridge Mountains, Charleston, the local greens and epic cloudscapes that the Carolinas offers. Joe is also inspired by the fleeting light effect of sunset as well as the glow of night scenes and interiors. Joe also paints weddings en plein air.


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Brenda McLean

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I first became enthralled with pastels over 20 ears ago. I love their versatility and immediate nature. I most enjoy efforts to capture the color and light of the hills and lakes all around us. I have been doing plein air painting for only two years and the experience has enriched my view of our world and greatly informs my studio work with a new awareness.


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Lucius Nelson

As an Eagle Scout and oil painter, my goal is to expose the public to the land around them through art and backpacking, with the ultimate aim of inspiring stewardship of the environment.


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Linda D'Elia

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My work, based on my photos and direct observation, interprets organic forms, including cloud and land formations, bodies of water, and the plant world, containing tension between warm and cool, light and dark, and always featuring bright color.


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